While many people have to look at shipping personal items overseas when they are transferred by their employer, there is a significant part of the population that needs expert
handling of international car shipment for another reason. If you live in a European country, for example, and want to bring a treasured U.S. automobile over from the United States, there are a number of companies that can help you. Of course, you may be able to take care of all the shipping details personally. If you do, make sure you do some homework first to find out just what you will need to do.
Fortunately, the competition for your business in international car shipment is very high. Not only do land and sea shipping companies want your business, but professional service companies and freight-forwarding companies also specialize in the movement of vehicles from the United States to foreign countries. These service providers are eager to provide the assistance you need to get your prized possession to your door.
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